Студия Сергея Ткаченко
Integration QuickBooks и RetailCRM
Цена: Рассчитывается индивидуально

Tab 1

QuickBooks is an accounting software package developed by Intuit. QuickBooks products are focused mainly on small and medium-sized businesses and offer local accounting applications, as well as cloud versions that accept business payments, manage and pay bills, as well as payroll functions.

Our module allows you to:

  1. Create clients in QB;
  2. Create sales and invoices;
  3. When creating a sale , we transmit information about the client (full name, mail, mail), the composition of the order, the type and status of payment, the status of the order;
  4. Transfer changes from RretailCRM to QB: order composition, order status, type and payment status;
  5. Generate a catalog of products for unloading from QB to RetailCRM.

Tab 2

Detailed installation and activation instructions


  1. Creating an API Access Key
  2. Entering the module settings
  3. Connecting the module
    — Access tab
    — Account tab
  4. Creating an application to work with QB
  5. Integration settings
    — Authorization Tab
    — Settings Tab
    — Statuses Tab — Payment Statuses Tab- Catalog Tab
    — Logs tab

Appendix 1
1. Creating an API Access Key

  1. Log in with your Silma account with administrator rights.
  2. Go to Settings/Integration/API access keys and click the «Add» button.
  3. Select the type of access to the store.
  4. Select the store from the list that the module will work with.
  5. Select the methods from the Allowed API Methods list. (The necessary methods are specified in Appendix 1).
  6. Copy the key.
  7. Click «Save».


2. Entering the module settings

  1. Go to Settings/Integration/Trading platform.
  2. Select the module.




3. Click the «Go to Account Settings» button. The first time you log in, the registration page will open.

3. Connecting the module

— Access tab

Link to the retailCRM form: https://YOUR-DOMAIN.retailcrm.ru — insert a link to your retailCRM/Silma



— Account tab

To add a new account, click add account, to edit and go to settings — the wrench button (Edit), to delete — the trash can icon (Delete).

Adding a store: click add account then save Account name, then save — Save


4. Creating an application to work with QB

Click on the link https://developer.intuit.com/app/developer/homepage and log in under your account.

Click Dashboard/Creating an application.


Next, click on the application icon.


Fill in the name of the application, activate the 2 chuck-box and press Create an application.


Now we need to copy the following important parameters to a separate location:

Click Control panel and go to the created application.

The data is in the section Keys and credentials.




Go to the tab API documents and tools/sandbox and copy



5. Setting up integration

Go to the setup, the wrench button (Edit).


— Authorization tab


Fill in the main fields:

Redirect URI — copy this value and return to the QB application creation environment from step Creating an application to work with QB.
Click the Dashboard and go to the created application, go down in the sectionKeys and credentials. At the very bottom in the sectionRedirect URI click Add API and paste the previously copied Redirect URI .

2. Click

— Settings tab

Fill in the basic settings on the tab:

Check-box: Create cron orders (every 5 minutes) — if you need to update the order, if you need to update the order;
Checkbox: Create cron payments (every 5 minutes) — enable if you need to update payments;
Checkbox: Update the file using cron (every 3 hours) — enable if you need to update the directory link;


— Tab «Statuses»

We set the correspondence of retailCRM statuses to QB statuses.

To add a new mapping, click Add, to delete the mapping, click Delete. After the status settings are completed, click Save.


— Tab «Payments«

We set the correspondence of retailCRM payment types to QB payment types.

To add a new mapping, click Add, to delete the mapping, click Delete. After completing the status settings, click Save.


— Tab «Payment statuses«

We set the compliance of retailCRM payment statuses with QB payment statuses.

To add a new mapping, click Add, to delete the mapping, click Delete. After the status settings are completed, click Save.


— «Catalog» tab

On this tab, you can create a catalog and upload products from QB to retailCRM.

To form a catalog, click Create a directory.

Then you need to combine this part of the link with this one: http://quickbooks.imb-service.ru to get http://quickbooks.imb-service.ru <id=»icml in uri» with href=»https://quickbooks.imb-service.ru/files/Nw==/icml/quickbooks-4620816365218190210.xml » target=»_blank» relative=»noopener»>/files/Nw==/xxxx/quickbooks-4620816365218190210.xml and


— «Logs» tab

This tab reflects the processes of interactions between QB and retailCRM


Appendix 1

Required API methods for the key:

Tab 3

Tab 4

Tab 5

Подключение и настройка модуля производится бесплатно.
Для настройки модуля или консультации оставьте заявку или свяжитесь удобным способом:

Время работы: с 9 до 21 без выходных.